- iNaturalist (for identifying plants, insects, mushrooms, amphibians, etc.): https://www.inaturalist.org/
- iTree (estimates ecosystems services provided by trees): https://www.itreetools.org/
- Merlin, Cornell Lab of Ornithology (for identifying birds, even by calls): https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/
- TreeSnap (community science initiative for updating interested researchers on the health of living individuals for species of concern - ash, chestnut, elm, etc.): https://treesnap.org/
- OnX (shows parcel boundary lines): https://try.onxmaps.com/hunt/app/hunt-smarter/?gclid=CjwKCAjwjMiiBhA4EiwAZe6jQ42Wq1WLvUiq84jAXyYC36NoS92fgcg25qEwn0eJmhQwzj8podENNxoCzKgQAvD_BwE